Nexsure® Release (07-20-18)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the ability to pay Retail Agents a percentage of Net Agency Commission (F4845)
- Added the ability to have commission defaults fire based on Billing Carrier rather than Issuing Carrier (F9340)
- Added the ability to select policies in Pending Cancellation status within Statement Entry (F7417)
- Added the ability to turn off Aliases or LOB's in use from the Line of Business -> Line of Business Management tab in Setup (F9243)
- LOB's now appear in alphabetical order in the pop-up window when selecting a LOB alias in Marketing (F8011)
- Added 3 new Marketing Statuses: Declined by Agency, Incomplete Information, Blocked (F9326)
Document Templates
- Ability to map non-primary Named Insureds and non-primary Locations to Word templates (F9258)
- Added DL coverage codes for Belle Prairie Mutual Ins Co (F9377)
- Added the ACORD 31 Certificate of Marine / Energy Insurance (F9310)
- Added a Carrier Income report showing the amounts posted to the Agency Bill Income and Direct Bill Income accounts broken down by Billing Carrier in an Income Statement format (F9356)
Resolved Issues
- Using the Update Bill To links no longer errors when a client has more than one contact or location with the same name (D28709)
- Market existing now returns Marketing history results when "Include Marketing History" is selected in the Service -> Marketing -> Marketing Existing filter (D28602)
- "Employees" label was changed to "People" on the Units at Risk lookup on ACORD 125 Contact section since all contacts are available for selection, not just employees (D28623)
- Named Insureds now appear on a copied certificate when only the Copy Holders box is checked. Previously the Copy Coverages box had to be checked for the Named Insured to appear on the copied certificate (D28716)
- An asterisk is now allowed in the License Number field and # is allowed in the Address fields on the employee detail screen (D28715)
- Deleted attachments on a Certificate no longer show when Mass Email or Mass Fax is used (D28583)
- Adjusted the download logic so that the "Cannot apply commission due to missing LOB premium" exception on package policies will occur less frequently (D28310)
- Belle Prairie Dwelling Fire DL Medical Payments coverage now loads correctly (D28772)
- ACORD 90 MA policy-wide coverages have been mapped to the ACORD 75 binder (D28593)
- Income Production Credit report (IPC) now returns all line items of the invoice in the Unallocated section consistently using different report parameters (D28649)